
You’re the only survivors after the Vampire King devastated your village. He bit you, and you know it, but you’re still alive, why? You’re transitioning…soon you too will be a nightwalker, coven member, a newborn vampire. There’s only one way to live and not join the underworld. You must slay the immortal that marked you. BUT time is running short, you only have 60 minutes until sunset. This group of survivors must find a way in from the graveyard to the vampire lair, locate a stake suitable for a vampire king and vanquish him before he wakes or you’ll join the undead.

4-10 Players

Room Difficulty: Expert

Our Rooms

We offer a variety of thematically different experiences at Beat the Room. Join us for an immersive experience ranging from the Victorian 1st floor study of the great Sherlock Holmes to the depths of a 1700s pirate ship Captain’s quarters. We design each room with attention to detail to help you suspend disbelief and really get into the game. All of the rooms at Beat the Room are designed to have an exceptional experience and most gameplay is without the invocation of fear or fright- but if you are looking for a scare book Krampus: Violent Night!